If your 2020 personal tax filings will not be finalized by May 17th, now is the time to request an extension of time to file until October 15th. We must get your signed extension authorization by Saturday, May 15th. Please contact Roxana@taxplus.com (Los Angeles) or Rita@taxplus.com (San Diego) for any extension requests. Please fill in […]
Category: Business/General
Individual Tax Filing Deadline Extended to May 17th 2021

All individual taxpayers with April 15th deadlines automatically have additional time, until May 17th to file 2020 IRS and CA FTB filings and make payments without interest or penalties. 2021 Tax Updates: The IRS announced that it is moving the April 15th, 2021, filing deadline to May 17th, 2021, for individual taxpayers (including Schedule C […]
S Corporations & LLCs taxed as S-Corp. (1120S) & Partnerships (1065) Due 3/15/21
S Corporations & LLCs taxed as S-Corp. (1120S) & Partnerships (1065) File by March 15th or Request Extension! Dear Client, Happy March! Amid the pandemic distractions, the March 15th tax filing deadline for S-Corp.s and Partnerships is approaching quickly. Let’s finalize your filings if possible. Otherwise, call or e-mail us to request an extension […]
City of L.A. Business Tax Renewal 2/28/21 Deadline

This is your final reminder that you must comply with the City of Los Angeles, Office of Finance annual Business Registration (Business Tax Renewal) by 02/28/21 if you are doing business in Los Angeles as: Independent contractor, self-employed, freelancer, sole proprietor, small business owner, partnership, fictitious business name (dba), loan-out co., LLC, C-Corp. or S-Corp. […]
Changes To California Health Insurance In 2020 & 2021

There were 4 major changes to California health insurance in 2020 & 2021. Here’s what you need to know: You are now required to have health insurance in California under a state mandate even though the federal mandate was lifted in 2019. You will be assessed a California state insurance tax penalty in 2020 and […]
Last Chance For 2020 Entity Formation: Set Up an LLC or Corp. for 2020 by November 30th
If you are starting a business, an LLC taxed as S-Corp. offers many advantages, including personal liability protection, reduced self-employment taxes, and possibly even reduced audit risk. A C-Corp. with the new lower corporate tax rates can also make sense in some cases. We can help you make the business entity decision and we can set up […]
City of L.A. Office of Finance Business Registration Due

Final Reminder: City of L.A., Office of Finance, Business Registration is due by March 2nd, 2020. If you are doing business in Los Angeles as an independent contractor, self-employed, freelancer, sole proprietor, small business owner, partnership, fictitious business name (dba), loan-out co., LLC, or S-Corp., you must comply with the City of Los Angeles, Office of Finance […]
1099 Forms & Business Registration Due Soon

We have two important reminders to prevent penalties: The first reminder applies to you if you have paid any independent contractor $600 or more during 2019. If that is the case you must issue a Form 1099 to that individual by January 31, 2020. There is no requirement to issue Form 1099 to corporations. If […]
Last Chance Entity Formation for ’19!

Setting up a side hustle? Main hustle? It’s your last chance for entity formation this 2019. Set up your LLC, Corp., S-Corp. this November. It is now evident, that the ’18 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) favored corporations, small businesses, and the self-employed at the expense of employees. Corporate tax rates were slashed from 35% […]
Minimize ’19 Taxes and Tax-Time Surprises!

With the 2018 tax filing deadlines behind us, it’s time to look ahead. Starting to look into your ’19 taxes now can help minimize tax-time surprises. One way of doing so is allowing us to help determine if your federal and state tax withholdings will be sufficient to avoid surprises or penalties for underpayment of […]